Beer is an ancient drink. Recent research suggests that it has been with man in various forms since the very beginning of civilisation, with the first surviving records dating back to ancient Mesopotamia. However, it has come a long way since then, and nowadays it is a worthy drink worthy of the 21st century.
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During production, very high demands are placed on hygiene and the exact observance of all technological processes. Even a small deviation can manifest itself in a big change in the properties of the final product. Great emphasis is also placed on the raw materials used, which must meet precisely defined conditions depending on the desired character of the beer. We decided to use the brewing technology associated with beers traditional for our territory, which are Czech-type lagers, be it light, semi-dark, or dark, and of various levels. The main fermentation of all beers takes place in open vats, which means that the beer ferments in an environment without increased pressure. It is saturated in a natural way only during the last phase of fermentation in lager tanks, where naturally generated carbon dioxide is captured.
Beer also plays a historically significant role in our society. All important matters were once discussed in pubs, whether they were joys or worries, whether family, business or between friends. It loosens the tongue and creates the right atmosphere for a comfortable gathering. Let us therefore give him the respect he deserves.
Cheers, our brewer Peter Chňupa !